

Selección de Poemas de Antonio Guerrero tomados de su libro "Desde mi altura"

Selección de Poemas de Antonio Guerrero tomados de su libro "Desde mi altura"

La firmeza de tu suelo.

En esta vida entre días oscuros
Y días claros, alzo mi canto.
Grito con una voz con la que espanto
Toda mi soledad, rompiendo muros.

Aquí están a la sombra los maduros
Momentos que una vez dijeron tanto
Y tan secretamente en el encanto
De la vida fugaz fueron seguros.

A veces paso el día junto al cielo,
Escogiendo una nube, la primera,
Que me quiera llevar en su alto vuelo

Al sitio donde me agrada la espera.
Yo se que la firmeza de tu suelo
Conserva para mi la primavera.

The firmness of your ground.

In this life, between dark days and lights days
I raise my song .
I cry in a voice which scatters all my solitude,
shattering walls.

Here are , in the shadow,
the ripe moments that once spoke volumes,
and so secretly, in the enchantment of the brief life,
stood secure.

At times I passed the day allied with sky,
choosing a cloud, the first one
that would carry me her high flight

to the place where the waiting awaits me.
I know that the firmness of your ground
conserves for me the springtime.

5 de julio de 1999

Diez meses

Fiel como una condena, a cada tarde,
la blanca soledad del soñador acude.
Nada puede impedir que se desnude
la mirada que en su corazón arde.

Por razones serenas cada tarde
la cal azul de su pensar sacude.
El no da lugar a que se escude
quien recorre el camino del cobarde.

El no quiere pasar sin verse a solas
con su suerte, descubrir su pasado,
saber cuanto de este se ha olvidad,

cuanto sigue presente entre las olas.
El sabe que hay un futuro si te creces
y eso vino a decirle a sus diez meses.

Ten months.

Faithful as to a conviction, each afternoon
the white solitude of a dreamer arrives.
Nothing can stop the undressing
of the look which in his heart burns.
For reasons serene, each afternoon
rock the blue lime of his thought.
He is not given a place to hide,
who walks the road of the coward.

He does not wish to pass by without seeing himself
alone with his luck, to discover his past,
to know how much of it has forgotten,

how much still remains between the waves.
He knows there is a future if he evolves
and that is what he came to say to his ten months.

11 de julio de 1999.

El mundo de tu mano

Cuando del brazo leas mis poemas
de una noche callada y encendida,
blanca y frágil, la frase nunca oída
ira cambiando todos tus esquemas.

La esencia es fuego y frío, no le temas.
todo se aprende con tiempo y medida: los inviernos de cada despedida,
los veranos de amor con que te quemas.

Yo escribo, echo de menos la ventana
que nos hizo de puerta hacia la luna
y nos traía el sol en la mañana.

Nada en este pesar ha sido en vano.
Tu sigues siendo luz como ninguna,
yo sigo viendo el mundo de tu mano.

The world of your hand

When you read my poems
on the arms of a silent ignite night,
the white and fragile phrase, never heard ,
will alter all your schemes.

The essence is fire and cold. Do not be afraid.
All is learned with time and measure:
the winters of each farewell,
the summers of love that burn you.

I write, missing the window which
Made for us a door to the moon
And brought us the sun in the morning.

Nothing of this sorrow has been in vain.
You continue to be light, as none other,
I continue to see the world of your hand.

18 de Julio de 1999

Madre mía

Llamarte por tu nombre , flor y amiga .
Tus manos hacen mundo cada día.
Mujer desabitada, rebeldía
para hacer que el amor arribe y siga.

Lagrima del frutal y de la espiga
que solemne se llena de alegría .
Isla dinámica en la geografía
de donde el corazón la paz obliga.

Tu nombre es una inmensa desnudez
de luz y vida. Sin ti la lucidez
no podría encontrar lo mas sublime.

Donde yo te menciono hay valentía,
y al hacerlo, tu evitas se lastime
mi paz y mi entereza, madre mía.

My mother

I call you by your name, flower and friend.
your hands fashion the world each day.
Uninhabited woman, rebelliousness
in making love arrive and continue.

Tear of spike and fruit
which solemnly fills itself with joy ,
dynamic island in the geography
where the heart obliges peace.

Your name is an nakedness
of light and life. Without you,
lucidity lacks what is most sublime.


Where I mention your name there is courage
by which you disallow
my peace and my integrity to be lacerated, my mother.

23 de julio de 1999


Soy fiel a mi palabra cada día,
todo amor a tu intocable espera,
lo mismo en la mañana austera,
que en la tarde de gris, fría y sombría.

Por ti en la soledad, Quita y vacía
el verso toma forma de bandera.
Por ti no tiene miedo la extranjera
sangre del alma abierta, tuya y mía.

Si el silencio me pide que yo aclare
el segundo de cada sentimiento,
que se alce el amor y lo declare,

que se abra la tierra y de su voto
que el cielo te confirme :nunca miento!
Sigo siéndote fiel, el mas devoto.


I am faithful to my word everyday,
all love to your untouched wait .
The same in the austere morning
as in the grey afternoon, cold and dismal.

For you, in the still and empty solitude
the verse takes the form of a flag.
Because of you, the foreign blood of the open soul,
yours and mine has no fear.

If the silence asks me that I make clear
every second of every feeling,
that love stand up and declare it,

that the air open up and cast its vote,
that the sky confirm it: never do I lie!
I continue to be faithful to you, the most devoted.

29 de julio de 1999



Quiere el imperio apagar
la voz del pueblo cubano
y el ejemplo soberano
que hemos sabido brindar.
Más imposible es callar
nuestra tribuna de honor
defendida con valor,
con unión y con verdad.
Puede más la dignidad
que el misil más destructor.

Bastión en esta batalla,
nuestra Radio Habana Cuba,
logra que su onda suba
al norte de egos y vallas.
Entra su noticia y halla
impactados receptores
que comprenden los valores
que Cuba crea y ofrece.
Nuestra virtud que anda y crece
nos hace ser vencedores.

A nombre de los 5 y de nuestros familiares les envío un fuerte abrazo, deseándoles éxitos en su hermosa labor de llevar la verdad al mundo.

¡Hasta la Victoria Siempre ¡

Antonio Guerrero Rodríguez.




"Quien intente apoderarse de Cuba,
recogerá el polvo de su suelo anegado
en sangre, si no perece en la lucha"
         Antonio Maceo

Nuestro pueblo fue un escudo
dispuesto firme a vencer
supo su honor defender
ante el peligro mas rudo
Aquella crisis bien pudo
causar un choque nuclear
Por aire, tierra y por mar
era inminente el ataque
pero sabían el jaque
que les podía costar.

Nuestro pueblo fue valiente
cada cubano un Maceo.
Fidel planteó sin rodeo
nuestra línea intransigente
ante el chantaje insolente
de aquella negociación.
Y por nuestra posición
es que siempre, cada Octubre
un cielo autónomo cubre
a nuestra Revolución.

Antonio Guerrero Rodríguez


" He who tries to seize Cuba,
will pick up the dust of its floor flooded
in blood, if he doesn’t die in the fight"
          Antonio Maceo

Our people was a shield
willing firm to conquer
they knew their honor defend
in the face of the rudest danger
that crisis was well able to
cause a nuclear clash
by the air, the earth and by sea
the attack was imminent
but they knew the check
and the price they would have to pay

Our people was brave
each Cuban a Maceo.
Fidel expounded without rodeo
our uncompromising line
in front of the insolent blackmail
from that negotiation.
And for our position
it is that always, every October
an autonomous sky covers
our Revolution.

Antonio Guerrero Rodríguez

(English translation: Chilean Poet Alejandro Stuart)

Give the Command, Commander-in-Chief! / Ordene, Comandante en Jefe!

Give the Command, Commander-in-Chief!

To you, faithful combatant who lighted
The decisive dawn of independence
With the fire of your noble essence,
To you, tireless conductor who has guided
The path of history for honor,
Brotherhood, and solid hope,
To you, unbeaten warrior who rides
Fearlessly toward the sun of death,
Confronting the most brutal empire.
To you, who comes and goes among truthfulness
Carrying in your hands a giant heart,
Altruistically offering it to the world.

To You:
Who is one among the people,
Who is soil of the earth,
Who is justice in the presence of hate,
Who is peace in the presence of war.

We tell you:
Fidel, our socialist flag
Will never fall from our hands!

Give the Command, Commander-in-Chief!
Tell us which is the battle to fight.

Victory is inevitable.

Antonio Guerrero Rodríguez
December 2006



A usted, fiel combatiente que encendió
La aurora decisiva de la independencia
Con el fuego de sus nobles entrañas,
A usted conductor incansable que ha guiado
Las rutas de la historia por el honor,
La hermandad, la sólida esperanza.
A usted, invicto soldado que cabalga
Sin miedo hacia el sol de la muerte
Enfrentando al más brutal imperio.
A usted, que viene y va entre verdades
Y lleva en sus manos un corazón gigante
Ofreciéndolo con altruismo al mundo.

A usted,
Que es pueblo en el pueblo,
Que es tierra en la tierra,
Que es justicia ante el odio,
Que es paz ante la guerra.

Le decimos:
Fidel, nuestra bandera socialista
¡Jamás se caerá de nuestras manos!

¡Ordene Comandante en Jefe!
Díganos cual batalla librar

La Victoria será inevitable.

Antonio Guerrero Rodríguez
diciembre 2006

Valuable Cause

by Antonio Guerrero

what will be of love and the eleven o'clock sun
and the sad dawn without valuable cause? -- Mario Benedetti

We will show that are a path
traversing shadows of our ancestors,
that we are a mountain and a star
with defined attributes.

We will show that we are invincible,
that always the sun will rise for the valient ones,
no matter they lie in wait, they lock us up,
they keep our skins from other skins.

We will show that in the difficult contests
of conscience and power and vice-versa
never will our firmness cacillate

because love is our masterpiece
and until death fills up with life,
when one has caluable cause

December 8, 1999

A White Rose from January: IV

by Antonio Guerrero

Behind a faraway star,
Above your horizon,
I will bring you my tomorrow
With the dew of the forest

Its brightness will be of gold,
Its beauty of ivory;
Decorous and full of light,
One should walk toward the future.

Long has to be the road
With a tenacious effort,
But beautiful, its destination,
Building the peace.


By Fernando Rodriguez Sosa..................... (from


Cubanow.- "I have often imagined young Pablo Neruda in his room at the student boarding house of 513 Maruri Street, writing his poems, while in a dark and cold cell I wrote mine and made him my first confidant", Antonio Guerrero Rodriguez, unjustly incarcerated for seven years in the United States, wrote in the presentation of his book Confidential Poems.

And he added: "There is something very significant that we have in common: the mixture, in these poems, of the sweeping nature of the beloved motherland, an older woman and mother always present in my poetry".

Conceived as a tribute to the celebrated Chilean writer, Confidential Poems (Editorial Letras Cubanas, 112 pages), the second book of poems by Antonio Guerrero Rodriguez, was born out of love and for love. It consists of 32 texts, in which the author, from his remembrances and his hope, shows unique sensitivity. Poems that, with a simple discourse, pay homage to the purest of man’s feelings.

Years of imprisonment have not prevented Antonio Guerrero Rodriguez from attesting, in poems like these, his unshakeable conviction:

Love, in this quiet time,

of empty mornings and austere twilight,

you will be within reach of my eyes

with your skin that enters my hope.

Who would have believed such cruelty,

dispossessed of the sun, the sea, everything?

But, what dreams could be mine,

but those of the breath of your sap?

I always imagine that you are a song

and that you come up with your syllables of dawn

to the solitude of my silence,

then I become a simple verse

in order to force all the evil

to desist if they try to separate us.

Before this poetry notebook, Antonio Guerrero Rodriguez (Miami, USA, 1958) had presented his first poems in From This Height (2001). The son of Cuban parents, he returned to Cuba with his family when he was one month old to settle definitively in the island. Graduated as a civil engineer, in 1992 he settled in the United States, where six years later he was made a prisoner, tried, and unjustly sentenced, along with four other Cubans for defending the island’s sovereignty and peace in the world.

Love, poetry, liberation was the title of the text used by writer Angel Augier to launch Confidential Poems. "The warm lyric fervor, the anguish dyed with the tenderness love inspires, the anxiety to find in the beloved one the consolation and hope the soul needs –wrote the poet and researcher- is repeated in its generous and seductive variety, to structure a unique hymn made of many and diverse chapters".

Confidential Poems, with drawings by Jose Luis Fariñas, is a book that praises the most universal of human feelings. But, also, by singing to love, this poetry book becomes a beautiful plea for justice, peace, and dignity. Verses that Antonio Guerrero Rodriguez sings as an expression of truth and tenderness, of light and hope. Testimonies of the heart and of the mind.

October , 2005

I will return / Regresaré


I will retum and say to life
I have come back to be your confidant.
From north to south I will deliver to the people
the part love hidden within me.

I will sprinkle the immeasurable happiness
of one who knows to laugh unpretentiously.
From east to west I will raise my countenance
with goodness forever promised.

For where the wind has whipped, harsh and strong,
I will go looking for the leaves on the path.
I will unite their drearns of such fortune

they cannot fly away in a whirlwind.
I will sing my songs to destiny
and with my voice, make death tremble.

June24, 1999



Regresaré y le diré a la vida
he vuelto para ser tu confidente.
De norte a sur le entregaré a la gente
la parte del amor en mí escondida.

Regaré la alegría desmedida
de quien sabe reír humildemente.
De este a oeste levantaré la frente
con la bondad de siempre prometida.

Por donde pasó eI viento, crudo y fuerte,
iré a buscar las hojas del camino
y agruparé sus sueños de tal suerte

que no puedan volar en torbellino.
Cantaré mis canciones al destino
y con mi voz haré temblar la muerte.

24 de junio de 1999